
Proven Way To Increase Your Web Conversion Rate

Did you find your website failing to live up to your expectations? Aren’t your getting expected conversion results from it? The game of conversion starts when visitors land on your website. Conversion rate is an important KPI of a website and can affect your business strategy to a great extent. Conversion rate optimization and search engine optimization are two different strategies, which when clubbed together can generate potential benefits for businesses. But the ongoing rage rifts them apart; where on one hand, CRO aims at improving the user experience; on the other hand, SEO improves the site’s performance and ranking on search engines to make it accessible. If we cast a technical stance, we will find that ‘website’, as the center, demands undivided attention to rank, to be visible, and to make the conversions.  Try these ways to increase your web conversion rate.

Stay On Users Mind with Neuro Design

Designs that click in mind or make sense to mind are remembered for long. Creating a Neuro-centered design will help in improving the user experience. Website aesthetics are a matter of concern as long as user attention is concerned. Be clear and intelligible with your designs ideas and message to be conveyed. The layout should be interwoven to take the visitor from one page to another but within the website. Go trendy. As a virtual sales outlet, the website should be designed well with minute nuances catered to properly.

Content That Converts

Content is king and will remain one as long as you generate dynamic and readable content. Content should be user-oriented; they should find solutions to all their queries. Don’t think that your work ends with posting content on the website; the content should click the user’s mindset and should instigate them to make a purchase. Don’t forget to add CTA (Call-to-Action) wherever possible.

Incorporate Videos or Visual Elements in Your Website

Mind retains visuals for longer as compared to text. Use as many visuals as possible to increase engagement. It’s noticed that the longer the engagement, the higher are the conversion chances. It increases repeated visits and reduces bounce rate as well. Make professional videos of somewhere around 1-2 minutes to keep them engrossed. Summing up the overall benefits it can confer, visual elements are important to let a website perform well. Add them to your Website Design for best results.

Page Loading Time

Ugh… Visitors hate to wait. Speed up your website loading speed to accelerate visitor retention and traffic. Your website loading speed should not be more than 3 sec, or else it will be chase off, visitors. Use tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights to analyze and optimize the speed of your website. The lesser the loading time, the better the performance. Conversion can be in any form- making a purchase, submitting a form, and accepting the request to receive a newsletter. Eliminate distractions, using long-tail keywords to address user problems, post testimonials, social proofs to add trust, run A/B Tests to analyze conversion-worthy elements. All this isn’t as easy as it seems, take professional help for better results.

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